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Turning brand milestones into a moment to pause, create and celebrate

Oliver and York helped to make something special happen for Jeanswest's 50 year milestone.

If you know fashion retail, which many people reading this do, you know it is fast-paced, ever-changing and constantly throwing up new challenges. So for this campaign, it was important to take the opportunity to pause with the team for a moment and delve deep into the archives, revisiting some of the most memorable moments for this iconic brand.

The strategy was simple and effective. It was to celebrate the good moments and trends over the decades, while capitalising on the popularity of nostalgia in the media, bringing a return to the iconic 2000's Jeanswest model, Chloe Maxwell.

Oliver and York has worked with our clients on quite a few milestone projects, including VB's 50 Years of Cheers, 100 Years of Great Ocean Road and 70 Years of The Good Guys.

Milestones can be a great opportunity for brands to connect with stakeholders.

However, communication needs to be managed carefully.

When embarking on a milestone project, there are some rules that must be considered before developing the strategy.

1. Ensure the external messaging is relevant and exciting to consumers (and not just an indulgent moment for the brand).

This means no straightforward 'It's our birthday' messages without a more substantial offer or added value. Although this may be a terrific milestone achievement for your company, running a birthday campaign is no different to someone walking around the pub saying 'It's my birthday'.

2. Ensure the internal messaging is communicated in a timely manner and as a priority.

This means that employees and team members are not an afterthought and instead feel valued and important.

Many big brands and emerging are time poor or find it hard to engage team members in a formal and relatable way. Begin the process by genuinely embracing the milestone, which includes encouraging your team to pause for a moment to enjoy it internally. A great way to do this is through effective digital content from key leaders within your business. Ask us how.

It is important to do this, as in retail, FMCG and consumer marketing in general, we move so quickly from campaign to campaign and don't necessarily take the time to see how far we have come. Strategically, it is also important to understand how to create a milestone that goes beyond the timeline itself and connects with people on a deeper level.

When the data stacks up and the results of the campaign outweigh the investment, beautiful things happen within the business.

  • C Levels and executives are happy, because the event has generated a spike in revenue.

  • Human Resources and People Departments are happy, because genuine engagement and communication has occurred with employees and this drives retention

  • Marketing leads are happy, because they are working with an agency that aligns with their vision and gets the job done.

When we celebrate moments with our stakeholders, both internal and external, just like this campaign with Jeanswest, together we can evoke a positive feeling of success and optimism for the brand, looking to the future. And the future looks good.


Have questions or want to set up a time to discuss how Oliver and York can drive opportunities for your brand?

Contact Managing Director Suzanne Tonks on or 0488774438

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